Thursday, January 28, 2010


Over the last 5 weeks, everyone in the Structures and Material Science class has been trying to build the best possible bridge they could, and last week we were able to test what everyone in the class came up with. The results were very impressive. Many people predicted their 30g bridge to hold a weight in the few hundred gram range, however, some bridges held upwards of 15,000g... YES, 15,000g! Below are the final results for the entire class:

Strength to Weight Ratio
Stephanie Strouse 90
Christopher Bassett 103
Dylan Akers 121
Caleb Lehner 138
Jeremy Constable 144
Christopher Becker 182
Christopher Tosti 194
Charlie Clapp 243
Scott MacDougall 339
John Clapp 390
Aaron Rocha 413
Dylan Monroe 526
Turner Bohlen 740

Overall Load              grams
Dylan Akers 2185
Stephanie Strouse 2605
Jeremy Constable 3185
Christopher Bassett 3500
Caleb Lehner 3585
Christopher Becker 5085
Christopher Tosti 6785
John Clapp 8585
Scott MacDougall 14585
Aaron Rocha 14850
Charlie Clapp 15090
Dylan Monroe 15265
Turner Bohlen 24412

Before I tested my bridge, I was very pleased with my design and the way I built my bridge. I was confident that it would hold a good amount of weight and would not fail early. My design consisted of a large triangle shape for the main part of the bridge with many supports from top to bottom. My cross section is by far the most detailed part of my bridge, however, when I tested I was surprised to see that this part broke first. If I had a chance to go back and rebuild, I would definitely change my cross section and make it more connected to the rest of the bridge so weight would be transferred more evenly.
Below are some pictures of my bridge before testing:
Front View
Cross Section
-Chris Bassett

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